Prepare for the Upcoming Kappa Conclave 2019

After earning his bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering at the University of Michigan, Philip Calhoun spent several years overseeing vehicle manufacturing before joining Total Quality Engineering, a consulting firm in Farmington Hills, Michigan. Featured in the Frontline documentary Racism 101 the year he took his pledge with Kappa Alpha Psi, Philip Calhoun soon earned induction into the fraternity.
Since its establishment in 1911, Kappa Alpha Psi has grown to over 150,000 international members in 700 chapters on major college campuses. Every year, the fraternity hosts a Grand Chapter Meeting and Conclave hosted by one of its chapters.
The Philadelphia Alumni Chapter will host the 84th Kappa Conclave from July 30 through August 4, 2019. The event will include a variety of events open to nonregistered guests and the general public, including the public meeting, pageant, and awards program. Registered attendees can attend the various closed events, including the banquet.
To view a full schedule of the events and find other details about the Kappa Conclave or to register, visit